About Us


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First Baptist Church is a church that desires to glorify God and make disciples of all nations. As a church, our mission is to make authentic followers of Jesus not only across the sea but across the street. 

But when it comes to First Baptist Church we want you to know some things about us…

We want you to know "we don't have it all together”—that’s probably why we make such a close family, because we’re all broken in some way and kind of stumbling through life in desperate need of grace.

We want you to know, "we’re not judging you"—when you walk in, we’re glad to see you! Don’t worry about having to “measure up” or “fit the mold.” None of us really measure up to God's mold, and we’re all very different.

We want you to know  "we’re not very religious"— over the years the message of the Gospel has been drowned out with many religious   terms, structures and systems that leave people confused and frustrated. Our desire is to have you move from "religion" to having an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this by worshipping Jesus Christ and applying his Word in a relevant way that helps you connect scripture to everyday struggles in life. No pointless tradition, no archaic languages, no lifeless lectures, no religious arrogance. We open the Bible and apply it to real life in the 21st century—and it makes a BIG difference!

We want you to know "that a lot of us are new"—Our pastor and alot of our church family are new in recent months!  We are all still getting to know each other and building relationships with christian friends.

We want you to know  "we really are just regular people"— we’re alot  like you—we work  hard, try to pay our bills, fighting for our families, trying to make sense of a “hopeless” culture. We are all just  looking for encouragement and glad to have some good friends who also have faith in Jesus Christ.